
Actions for your Marketing Plan


Do you have a marketing plan in place? Have you defined your marketing plan? πŸ€”
Today we share with you some actions you can take when developing your marketing plan. βœπŸ½πŸ“


  • Do a market and competition analysis, a.ka. benchmarking. A price study and analyze the products and services
    most demanded.
  • Decide on a branding and reinforce your corporate image for your online presence.Prepare a series of image resources to represent you online.
  • Make a list of all social networks and platforms where you have a presence.Unify the descriptions, the cover images, the brand logo, and make a small style guide on how to participate in each one.
  • Study who your target audience is and define 3 people with names, characteristics, details, and tastes. You will think about them whenever you generate content, look at which networks to participate in, to know if you are really
    responding to their possible interests.

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