Editorial Design
CCMA & MRO Yearbook and ALTA Yearbook is a publication produced by ALTA. The CCMA yearbook consists of information about ALTA’s Technical and Maintenance and Procurement Committee as well as information about the region in numbers, in addition to the CCMA conference. The ALTA yearbook is a valuable source of information for the airline industry in the region. It is also a recollection of the Airline Leaders Forum, past conferences and serves as a point of reference on regional aviation fleet and traffic issues, as well as a source of information on ALTA matters.
Since 2011, ALTA has relied on iCorporate to design two of their annual yearbook publications. Our team oversees the content and design for these products. We use the design to continually reinvent the brand. Brands need to allow themselves to constantly update and be more fluid. These yearbooks are a great way to reflect the constant update and growth of the association.